Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Liam!

L-L-...Liam who?

Everyone surely knows who He is, most especially the Directioners!
You may have probably heard of his name, you may have probably heard him singing most of the first verse of One Direction's songs, you may have seen him somewhere in a concert or together with his co-members or with his girlfriend Danielle Peazer or probably saw his name or his profile on twitter. Do you know who's Liam is he?

Have we heard Liam Payne? Well, that's right! :) Yes, he is! It's Liam Payne's Birthday!! (woohoo!)

This guy from One Direction turned another year of great life (19 years old) today August 29, 2012. And every Directioners are very much excited and happy about his day. Lots of tweets were posted and trending topics as well. Directioners RULE! 

We are giving you our sincerest greetings, Happy Birthday Liam! Wishing you all the best! <3 xx

Lots of Love from,

Primo Summit <3

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